Download the source (zipped tar file)
First, to use the program, you need to have GTK+ 1.2 library somewhere
on your system. To check this, type ' gtk-config --version ' in a
shell. If gtk-config does not exist, or if the version is not exactly
1.2, you need to get GTK+ 1.2. You can find it at
On Debian-like systems, typically you need to install the package
libgtk1.2-dev .
Go to some directory where you want to put the program.
Download the source (zipped tar file).
To uncompress the file, type
gunzip eqdiff.tar.gz;tar x -f eqdiff.tar
Then go to the eqdiff/ subdirectory and type
Now the program, named eqdiff, is ready-to-run, if by chance the make process didn't fail.
For unknown reasons, on some systems you may have to type make several times to get the process completed.
You need to have the gcc compiler and a Make utility to compile properly. Otherwise, compile all the files
mathlib/mathexpr.cpp mathlib/rand.cpp eqdiff/funcs.cpp eqdiff/afaire.cpp eqdiff/eqdiff.cpp eqdiff/eqdiff4.cpp eqdiff/fenetre.cpp eqdiff/main.cpp eqdiff/setupdials.cpp eqdiff/files.cpp
You have to link these files with the math library and with GTK 1.2, see above (for linking with GTK refer to
If you encounter any problem during the process, first check that the problem does not come from the use of GTK: please first read the GTK FAQ at
If you encounter a problem with conversion from/to void pointers, try to define NULL=0 somewhere (or to remove this definition from the Makefile).
Otherwise, mail me at yann.ollivier (domain:) and give as many details as possible.
Copyright Yann OLLIVIER 1997-1999
This software may be freely distributed as is, including this whole notice.
It may be modified, but any modification should include this whole notice as is and a description of the changes made.
This software may not be sold.
This software or any modified version of it may be freely used in free programs. The program should include a copy of this whole notice. If you want to use it in a program you sell, contact me
This software comes with absolutely no warranty.
Thanks to Xavier Caruso for testing the program.